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HP printer driver issue in Linux [FIX]

My HP printer was automatically detected by Ubuntu but was unable to print anything. You might also encounter issues with your HP printer connecting with Linux machine. The following solution may fix this issue. try the command hp-setup -i  This HP Linux imaging and Printing System utility will download the required drivers and install the printer successfully.
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docker-compose: command not found | Kali Linux [FIX]

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Exploiting Jenkins + CVE-2024-23897

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[FIX] shellter wine: could not load kernel32.dll

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VirtualBox VM fullscreen [FIX]

You may tried all methods to make your Linux VM in Virtual Box full screen but nothing worked.Right?  I also encountered the same issue, so here is the solution that worked for me. I was using Kali Linux and by default the guest additions comes preinstalled but that didn't solve my problem. I was not getting the window full screen. The below screenshot is before solving the issue. I tried to install the guest additions manually and noticed that the OS was unable to find the kernel headers.   Try the following steps to fix. 1) Update the modules and packages. sudo apt update -y && apt upgrade -y && apt dist-upgrade  2) Install the headers.   sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r) 3) Now install the guest additions tool.