# [CVE-2024-32651] changedetection < 0.45.20 - Remote Code Execution (RCE) On the target machine, Changedetection v 0.45.1 is running. A quick search on exploit DB will give the RCE. https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/52027 Run the exploit code Where IP is the attacker IP and port is the listening port of the attacker. We got the root access.
A Comprehensive guide on firewall management operations and best practices
Available on Amazon.
Kindle Edition : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HDJDG6R
Paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/172374297X
Kindle Edition : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HDJDG6R
Paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/172374297X
Understand different firewall products and the Packet-flows. Hardening
and best practices of firewall management with real world example. Get
familiarize with Change management and understand how to incorporate
change management process in to firewall management operations.
book give you a broad overview on Firewalls, packet flows, hardening,
management & operations and the best practices followed in the
industry. Though this book is mainly intended for firewall
administrators who are in to operations, this book give a quick
introduction and comparisons of the major firewall vendors and their
In this book I have covered the following topics.
•Various Job roles related to Firewalls.
•What makes you a firewall expert?
•Know the major firewall vendors and their models.
•Understand the packet flow or order of operation in each firewall. .Buy Now
•Understand the different types of firewalls.
•Understand the daily tasks of a firewall administrator
•Understand device hardening.
•Guidelines on hardening the firewalls.
•Explains major hardening standards and compliance.
•Understand Change Management process.
•Illustration on How to make a firewall change (incorporating Change management process) with a real world example.
Note: This book is not a configuration guide.