# [CVE-2024-32651] changedetection < 0.45.20 - Remote Code Execution (RCE) On the target machine, Changedetection v 0.45.1 is running. A quick search on exploit DB will give the RCE. https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/52027 Run the exploit code Where IP is the attacker IP and port is the listening port of the attacker. We got the root access.
Cisco Firepower Threat Defense NGFW made it to the Best New Firewall Books 2019
I'm happy to announce that my book, "Cisco Firepower Threat Defense(FTD)
NGFW: An Administrator's Handbook : A 100% practical guide on
configuring and managing CiscoFTD using Cisco FMC and FDM.", made it to BookAuthority's Best New Firewall Books:
BookAuthority collects and ranks the best books in the world, and it is a great honor to get this kind of recognition. Thank you for all your support!
The book is available for purchase on Amazon.
BookAuthority collects and ranks the best books in the world, and it is a great honor to get this kind of recognition. Thank you for all your support!
The book is available for purchase on Amazon.