# [CVE-2024-32651] changedetection < 0.45.20 - Remote Code Execution (RCE) On the target machine, Changedetection v 0.45.1 is running. A quick search on exploit DB will give the RCE. https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/52027 Run the exploit code Where IP is the attacker IP and port is the listening port of the attacker. We got the root access.
Source of Authority (SoA) describes where the user is primarily defined. This can be classified in to four categories. A user can be defined in,
1) Azure Active Directory
This is a native cloud user account also known a member.
2) External Azure Active Directory
Invited user from another azure tenant. If you invite a user from another tenant to your tenant, the user's SoA will be External Azure Active Directory.
3) Microsoft Account
A person who creates the subscription (Subscription owner) with a Microsoft account (live, hotmail etc) will have the SoA of Microsoft Account.
4) Local Active Directory
Synchronized user accounts with an on-premises Active directory will have the SoA of Local Active Directory.
1) Azure Active Directory
This is a native cloud user account also known a member.
2) External Azure Active Directory
Invited user from another azure tenant. If you invite a user from another tenant to your tenant, the user's SoA will be External Azure Active Directory.
3) Microsoft Account
A person who creates the subscription (Subscription owner) with a Microsoft account (live, hotmail etc) will have the SoA of Microsoft Account.
4) Local Active Directory
Synchronized user accounts with an on-premises Active directory will have the SoA of Local Active Directory.